Please take note of the following conditions before joining any Beginners’ runs.
- Each runner will be provided with a JogScotland Membership Form. This is free to join and will provide a stepping stone to the Dunoon Hill Runners, but it does have a Par-Q attachment which MUST be completed and returned to Kirsty Mundell. This highlights any medical conditions that any of the leaders need to be aware of. If you are unsure if this affects you, then please contact Kirsty. This information is confidential and will not be disclosed to any other member unless they are leading a run. When/if you decide to join the Dunoon Hill Runners, this information will be destroyed and you will then fall under the Membership Rules of Dunoon Hill Runners. Leaders are not permitted to accommodate anyone who has recently given blood, had a transfusion, given birth within the previous six months, attended the dentist and had a tooth removed within the last 7 days, or had any recent surgery. There are varying other reasons, so please ask Kirsty if you feel you fall into one of the categories either mentioned above or you have a condition you feel may put yourself or other runners at risk.
- If these forms are not completed and returned, you will not be allowed to join in any run.