The membership form for 2024/2025 can be found here [PDF].
Category Archives: membership
Dunoon Hill Runners Annual General Meeting 2023/4 and 10th Birthday Celebration
The Dunoon Hill Runners 2023/4 Annual General Meeting will be held on 18 March 2023 at 7 pm at Kirn Bowling Club.
This will also be the 10th birthday celebration for the club, so there will be the usual prizegiving, followed by dancing, drinks and refreshments.
Members are invited to dress in our club colours of red, black or gold
Dunoon Hill Runners Membership 2022/23, and AGM
The 2022/23 DHR membership form can be found below, including details on submission and subscription fees.
DHR Membership Application Form 2022/23 [PDF]
It is hoped that we will hold our first race of the season on Saturday 26 February 2022.
The DHR Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 26 February 2022 with the annual prizegiving to follow. Please contact the Club Secretary if you wish to attend.
Dunoon Hill Runners Membership 2020/21, and AGM
It’s that time of year again when those who wish to join, or continue their membership with, DHR must complete an updated membership form (below) and pay the subscription fees.
Fees remain at £20 (£35 for a family membership) for the year, and still include a free gift (tbc). Details of how to pay can be found on the form itself.
DHR Membership Application form 2020/21 [PDF]
The DHR Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 22 February 2020 at 7 pm at Kirn Bowling Club, Kirn, Dunoon, with annual prizegiving to follow. Please contact the Club Secretary if you wish to attend.
Beginners Training Sessions – commencing 3 September 2019
Dunoon Hill Runners will be starting a new beginners running group from Tuesday 3 September 2019. Each session will last up to one hour and will take place each Tuesday at 6.30 pm for 8 weeks. There will be a maximum of 20 places and no waiting list.
Attendees will require a head torch and appropriate footwear (trainers designed for trail running). Head torches of around 120 lumens and greater are suitable.
The cost is £10 to join the group which will cover the 8 weeks of training, and a temporary membership form must be completed before attending. This can be downloaded here [PDF].
If interested, please let us know and complete your form no later than 31 August 2019. Forms can be handed in to Lisa Marshall at HELP, John St, Dunoon, or emailed to
Once 20 forms have been received the group will become closed.
All data is confidential and is not shared with any other third party.
Dunoon Hill Runners Membership 2019/20
Please contact the Club Secretary for a membership form.
All new and renewal memberships MUST have a completed membership form to join/re-join. All household memberships should complete a separate form for each person joining within the household. Any renewals whose medical or emergency details have NOT changed since 2018/19 only require to complete the data protection section and sign off the no changes section.
For the fourth year running, there is no increase in the membership cost. Payment is preferred in cash or cheque. Cheques should be made payable to “Dunoon Hill Runners”. Bank transfer is also possible and details are on the form.
All payments should be made on or before 23 February 2019 (AGM). Any payments not made by the end of February will have a reminder provided. If within 2 weeks of end February no payment is received, a non-renewal will be assumed and persons will be removed from the closed Facebook page and membership.
Dunoon Hill Runners Annual General Meeting 2019
The Club’s 2019 Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 23 February 2019 at the Kirn Bowling Club at 7 pm. Please contact the Club Secretary if you wish to attend.
Beginners’ Training Sessions Starting November 2018
Dunoon Hill Runners will be starting a new beginners training group from 6 November, for 8 weeks. Sessions will take place each Tuesday evening from 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm. There will be a maximum of 20 places and no waiting list.
Each runner will require trail running shoes and a head torch (120 lumens and up are suitable).
The cost will be £10 for the 8 week training period and a temporary membership form must be completed before attending. All data is confidential and will not be shared with any other party.
If interested, please contact the club here, and submit your form no later than 23 October 2018. Forms can be handed in to Lisa Marshall at HELP, John St, Dunoon. Once 20 forms have been received, the group will become closed.
Dunoon Hill Runners Annual General Meeting 2018
The Club’s 2018 Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 24 February 2018 at the Dunoon Golf Club. The meeting will commence at 7 pm, with a prizegiving at 7.30 pm, followed by a celebration at 8.30 pm. Please contact the Club Secretary if you wish to attend.
Beginners/Returners Group Starting – 14 November 2017
Dunoon Hill Runners will commence training sessions for beginners and those returning after an absence from running on Tuesday 14 November 2017. These training sessions will take place over a 10 week period (not including Christmas/New Year) and participants will be asked to complete a Temporary Membership form on the first evening. A fee of £10 will be charged to cover the 10 week period.
A base level of fitness is recommended.
Runners must be 12 years of age or over.
For anyone between the ages of 12 and 16 years, please note:
- a disclaimer form must be completed
- they must run with an accompanying adult at all times
- the maximum distance permissible for this age group is 2 miles
Attendees will be asked to register at 5.45 pm and runs will start at 6 pm. Please keep an eye on the club calendar for locations.
Trail running shoes are advisable, and a head torch will be needed.
Anyone who is interested in coming along, please let Morven Walsh know.