Dunoon Hill Runners will be starting a new beginners running group from Tuesday 3 September 2019. Each session will last up to one hour and will take place each Tuesday at 6.30 pm for 8 weeks. There will be a maximum of 20 places and no waiting list.
Attendees will require a head torch and appropriate footwear (trainers designed for trail running). Head torches of around 120 lumens and greater are suitable.
The cost is £10 to join the group which will cover the 8 weeks of training, and a temporary membership form must be completed before attending. This can be downloaded here [PDF].
If interested, please let us know and complete your form no later than 31 August 2019. Forms can be handed in to Lisa Marshall at HELP, John St, Dunoon, or emailed to Puttyrush@yahoo.co.uk.
Once 20 forms have been received the group will become closed.
All data is confidential and is not shared with any other third party.