Please contact the Club Secretary for a membership form.
All new and renewal memberships MUST have a completed membership form to join/re-join. All household memberships should complete a separate form for each person joining within the household. Any renewals whose medical or emergency details have NOT changed since 2018/19 only require to complete the data protection section and sign off the no changes section.
For the fourth year running, there is no increase in the membership cost. Payment is preferred in cash or cheque. Cheques should be made payable to “Dunoon Hill Runners”. Bank transfer is also possible and details are on the form.
All payments should be made on or before 23 February 2019 (AGM). Any payments not made by the end of February will have a reminder provided. If within 2 weeks of end February no payment is received, a non-renewal will be assumed and persons will be removed from the closed Facebook page and membership.